Bethany Wilkins Bethany Wilkins
Bethany makes her début appearance in a motion picture to play the lead role of Sarah...[more]
  Hannah Wilkins Hannah Wilkins
Hannah is a natural artist. With her inestimable enthusiasm for drama, writing, music and dance...[more]
Matt Wilkins Matt Wilkins
Matt dominates the screen with a quiet but powerful presence...[more]
  Martha Wilkins Martha Wilkins
Martha has a love/hate relationship with her character that runs deep...[more]
Matt Daniels Matt Daniels
Matt Daniels combines his role as director with acting the part of Tom...[more]
  Samuel Wilkins Samuel Wilkins
Samuel is truly the cool customer that he portrays in the film. "I enjoyed playing the silent cool guy...[more]

Latest News

The UK DVD of powerless will be released on the 12th June... [more]


Who did what, where, how and when? The story behind Powerless can be found in the filmmakers pages...[more]
Director, Actor, Writer..

Read about Matt Daniels the creator and driving force behind powerless...[more]