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  1. Powerless Around You
2. Turning Away
3. I'm Still Waiting
4. Alone
5. Mad
6. Opening Sequence
Powerless Main Theme
8. Leaving London
9. Collecting the Water
10. The Village
11. Peter's Hymn
Chase to the Quarry
13. Calm Before the Storm
14. The Truth
15. Losing Control
16. From Darkness to Light
17. Whole
18. CD ROM Bonus material
The Powerless Soundtrack brings together some of the greatest young talent in the independent film-making world: Justin R Durban (famous for his website which has sourced music for hundreds of independent films) teams with Singer / Song Writer B Page who composed 6 new songs for the soundtrack. LindsayAnne Klemm provides vocals along with a host of other talented performers.

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The UK DVD of powerless will be released on the 12th June... [more]


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