Hannah Wilkins

Hannah (17) is a natural artist. With her inestimable enthusiasm for drama, writing, music and dance, bringing the optimistic Rachel to life was enormously satisfying for her. "It really just came to me" says Hannah "Seth and Matt wrote this wonderful part for me and it just clicked".

“Hannah is probably the most similar to her character in real life, she loves nature and the beauty of the world around her” explains writer/director Matt Daniels “I wanted her to play this innocent but deeply thoughtful character that had the power to engender sympathy and concern. This was vital for the arch of her character and the finale of the story… she pulled it off beautifully. Not only is she wonderful to watch but you are rooting for her from beginning to end”.


Latest News

The UK DVD of powerless will be released on the 12th June... [more]

Who's who

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The Brother…

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