Sarah Johnson Sarah Johnson (Bethany Wilkins)
Aged 19, popular with her friends, as well as intelligent and hard working...[more]
  Rachel Johnson Rachel Johnson (Hannah Willkins)
Bright and alive, Rachel at 14 years of age seems to be untouched...[more]
Peter Johnson Peter Johnson (Matt Wilkins)
The eldest brother, Peter (21) is the black sheep of the family...[more]
  Ruth Johnson Ruth Johnson (Martha Wilkins)
Split between the pain of leaving her friends behind and a bitter resentment...[more]
Tom Williams Tom Williams (Matt Daniels)
Generous and caring, Tom (21) is Sarah's truest friend...[more]
  David Johnson David Johnson (Samuel Wilkins)
A quiet loner, David (age 12) keeps himself to himself...[more]

Latest News

The UK DVD of powerless will be released on the 12th June... [more]

Who's who

Who are the players in the powerless story? Read the character bios for Powerless and find out...[more]
The Brother…

Matt Wilkins plays Peter Johnson the black sheep of the family. How did he do it?...[more]